July 10, 2018
This episode is for those who believe he is called to discover the Catholic apostolic, or for those who have already overseen it. In this second part of the two-part interview, Jeff Mirus, founder of CatholicCulture.org, shares more lessons from his decades of experience establishing several Catholic organizations.
In the mid-80s, he left Christendom and founded a publishing company. The circumstances then forced him to move away from full-time apostle works. This was painful at the time, but persevered on the stage that led to his return on more sustainable conditions and to the current online apostolic position.
Part 1 of Jeff Mills’s interview https://www.catholicculture.org/podcast/index.cfm?id=9
The book mentioned
Father William Most, The consciousness of Christ
Read online:
https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/ most/getwork.cfm?worknum=215
Second hand purchase: https://amzn.to/2n3kgsy
Most collections of Father William https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/ most/
Timothy T. O’Donnell, The heart of the Savior https://amzn.to/2zpgrmc
Warren H. Carroll, Guillotine and the Cross
Jeffrey Mills, Reason for hope https://amzn.to/2l0oaxs
Jeffrey Mills, God’s Court https://amzn.to/2zzsdsl
Dennis Larkin, A walk to Rome https://amzn.to/2mxqkri
St. Catherine Drexel’s Biography Review https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/otc.cfm?id=1266
View notes:
Jeff Mills interview
1:20 Overview of Part 1
3:50 Jeff leaves Christon Tom College and begins publishing and Trinity Communication
5:54 Why doesn’t Jeff want to look backwards?
8:49 Use ChristenDom’s mailing list to lift the Trinity off the ground
10:45 Jeff’s two books, Reason for hope and God’s Court
11:34 Efficiency of running a small company with no councils or political battles
12:50 Some of the best books Jeff published: Carol Guillotine and the CrossFr. Most The consciousness of ChristLarkin’s A walk to RomeO’Donnell’s
The heart of the Savior
15:37 The Trinity’s failure as a publisher in 1991, the perception that Jeff was unable to do full-time apostolic work.
16:34 Jeff learns the program, starts the Apostles Association of Computer Consulting and Online, Catholic Resource Network, and works at EWTN
19:35 PeterSnet, the predecessor of CatholicCulture.org, began in 1996.
21:24 Trinity does all the programming of Phil Lawler’s Catholic World News, then runs another company
23:16 The importance of allowing Jeff to be removed by other officers if he opposes the church.
24:27 Why God drove Jeff out of his full-time apostolic work
25:33 Programming analogy: Elegant solutions to problems and the use of “brute force.” The importance of learning to recover from problems, delegate and collaborate with teams
30:12 Difference between PeterSnet and CatholicCulture.org
32:31 The spirit that distinguishes Catholicculture.org from other loyal Catholic websites when launched in 2003
35:56 Trinity buys Catholic World News in 2006. Moving from for-profit companies to liquidated donations in time for the 2008 financial crisis and Trinity Consulting’s disbandment
43:19 Mutual model of support for CatholicCulture.org. It depends on God’s providence, not on the institutions that exist to perpetuate itself.
48:03 The Future of Trinity Communications and Catholicculture.org: Move away from Jeff’s Leadership
50:01 Final advice for those who do apostolic work: “Unless the Lord builds a house, he will labour in vain which he built it” (Psal sal 127).
51:59 Excerpt from this week: St. Catherine Drexel