Trump Propagation of immigrants A major expert has warned that the majority of skilled disaster workers are immigrants, which could cause the confusion of community to rebuild after destroying the floods and floods.
Republican and Democratic voters in the United States are upset by climate fuel disasters due to thousands of houses and companies destroyed and damaged by continuous fire. Los AngelesLast year, like the major hurricanes of Florida, Texas, North Carolina and Georgia.
In each place, recovery is a recovery or resilience worker that faces the danger of unstable buildings, ash, other toxins, and hydride -mediated diseases, from disaster to disaster to reconstruction. Depends on.
“Immigration is essential for fierce farmers, and is indispensable for the recovery of firing in the United States, floods, and hurricanes. Mainly a director of Resilience Force, a labor organization with about 4,000 immigrant workers. Sake Soni states:
“”Large -scale expulsion It completely overturns the continuous recovery in Florida, Louisiana, and North Carolina from last year’s hurricane. The rebuilding of the LA after the fire will be stopped … and at this point there is a risk that anyone will be affected by the climate disaster anywhere. So everyone needs these skilled workers. “
Helen and Milton have overturned the important parts of the national agricultural system.
The extreme weather phenomenon of climate fuel has become more intense and destructive, and the disaster industry is growing in the United States. Profitability will be higher。
Although there is no official count, the current laxation for the recovery is contained tens of thousands of foreign workers born, such as Latin America, the Caribbean, India, and the Philippines. This is a variety of skilled workers, including unwritten immigrants, many documented asylum, solved refugees, and temporary protected status (TPS). It is a combination.
Trump’s presidential order and policy’s ambitions threaten to overturn immigrants and the whole asylum system. The attack on the workplace and the large -scale expansion of abroad may temporarily satisfy Trump’s anti -immigration base, but the lack of labor is multiple sector, such as construction, food, hospitality, and disaster work. You may feel it.
“The overseas expulsion plan has no contact with the reality of the victims without immigrants. He is probably out of pockets at the hotel for several years for years. 25 disaster recovery in the past 20 years. Soni, who has been involved in the initiatives, states:
“We are at the moment of such political tactics and reality, and at some point, this is not a political question but a moral question.”

Some towns do not have water to drink Hurricane Helen a few months after Hurricane Helen. Complete recovery can take years.
Among the destructive fires, tornadoes, or the biggest obstacles facing the family after the flood, there is a shortage of labor and funds. Trump’s policy pledge will worsen both.
On Friday, Trump announced his needs Potentially shutter The Federal Emergency Administration Bureau (FEMA) visited North Carolina. The community voting in the Republican rural areas has faced some of the worst damage from Hurricane Helen, one of the most destructive and deadly storms that hit the United States for many years. Helen was in it $ 2.7 billion disaster Attack the United States in 2024.
The estimated cost of North Carolina from Helen collided with six states in southern Apallacia, all of which voted for Trump. Almost $ 60 billion。 Here, four months after the flood, there are still a lot of things to do, from removing debris, repairing mold, replacing the roof, repairing the geology, and repairing the geology on the hill.
On Friday, Trump visited Los Angeles. Los Angeles has destroyed more than 11,000 houses and two flames (the damage caused by the Parisard and Eaton fire is now estimated to be $ 275 billion. At least 150,000 people have evacuated and many are seeking help from FEMA. “You don’t need FEMA, you need a good state government, you will fix it yourself.”
FEMA provides emergency support for temporary accommodation, food and unemployment benefits, and provides non -covered cleaning and refunds to states that are not covered by private insurance.

What Trump can do (and cannot) to confuse Los Angeles’s wildfire assistance
“The abolition of FEMA will lead to a significant reaction in the next few years, because there is no state that absorbs that responsibility and expenditure. The state will stand up -especially, this administration is its members and disasters. Soni says that a very red state like Florida, Texas and Louisiana, who rely on places that happen many times.
“We need to make FEMA bigger, not smaller. We will agree with a hurricane or a mountain fire, whether a Democratic Party or a Republican member, will agree with it. Fire is a political party. There are Republican members who need FEMA as the Democratic Party.
On Monday, it became clear that the Trump administration had issued a new allocation to immigrants and customs executive organizations (ICE) to strengthen attacks and arrests. Washington Post reported。
The expansion of the assault in the workplace forced some repair workers underground, as occurred after Hurricane Idria, as the Republican Governor of Florida, Ron Desantis, passed through the extreme anti -transferex law. There is a possibility. “Immigrant workers lower their tools, fear, rebuild their homes, wrap their families, and that was very bad for Floridans who rely on those workers, but workers. Sononi said from North Carolina, who had met a desperate housing owner to repair and return home.
“Even among documents, many restored workers have a sparse foothold in the United States. This is not a citizen, but is threatened by Trump. What is more important to work after fire and hurricanes so that these workers can go home?

Trump’s proposed mass expulsion can “destroy” US food supply.
Since Katrina flattened New Orleans in 2005, resilience labor has grown greatly, and the city has been rebuilt by Latin workers, who are rarely documented. Since then, the industry has been integrated Private stock companies acquiring small and medium -sized enterprisesThe protection of workers is minimal and there is little regulation monitoring.
Working conditions and living conditions are brutal for immigration workers, and most of them are in the climate crisis caused by the emissions of greenhouse gases that warm the planet, the largest historical contribution of the United States. I’m here.
“We have Honduras workers. They are now rebuilding Florida houses. Hurricane destroyed the house and left them, so we are in Florida. I can’t live in my house. Do you know how much blessings you need to change the roof of other people? Great Escape: U.S. forced labor and immigration dreamsWe have recorded an Indian story invited to the United States to support the rebuilding of New Orleans.
“Volunteers’ efforts in Apallacia and Los Angeles were extraordinary, but the truth is that the size of the damage we saw in the United States needs a skilled and expanded labor. If you deport your workers, you will not be able to build another generation, and it will take 20 years. I’m in danger. “