May 15, 2019
The name of Garrigou-Lagrange is a long-standing, difficult and strict Tomyhyth term of the day passed, and for centuries built by academic commentators, rather than the original teaching of the angel’s doctor himself. It is said to be related to the accumulated century. Only in the traditional circle, his name was still spoken with respect.
However, in recent years, the French Dominican priests and theologians have a wider re -evaluation and new translation of his work.
Mysterious sensation: Clarity and ambiguous in intellectual life It indicates that Garrigou has been unjustly rejected as a worrogenous provider without air.
Matthew K. Minard, the translator of this work, participates in the podcast and discusses FR.. Some of the heritage and the central theme of the books of RéginalDGARRIGOUGOU-LAGRANGE. These are mysteries from the top (not only the spirit but also the substances), the importance of the common sense of philosophy, the various sensations that use the word “to be”, the supernaturalness of the religion, and ourselves. As far as you know, named them for some reason in the gods that exceeded any of his attributes.
Through all of these topics, it is abundant that the axial will continue to be in its own, by storing the distinction between nature and supernatural cans.
buy Mysterious sensation: Clarity and ambiguous in intellectual life of- Mystery
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