Figures are powerful tools for communicating scientific information, but their effectiveness is maximized only if they follow the principles of graphic design. Panel placement, order, size, and spacing all affect the clarity and impact of a figure, so scientists should make the most of what these aspects can do, rather than defaulting to uniformly sized panels arranged in a grid pattern.
Scientific map layout plan
An effective layout strategy depends on how a scientist wants to organize their information.
When creating a layout, researchers should keep in mind how they want to organize their information. Typically, scientific data is organized thematically, with supporting evidence on either side of a major finding. Pictorially, this might look like a large central panel A flanked by smaller panels B, C, D, and so on. However, this isn’t always feasible depending on the type of data being presented. Bar and line charts generally lend themselves well to large and small panels, while heat maps and histograms usually require a larger size for readability. Researchers should always decide what makes the most sense for their data.
Main and supporting panels should be contained within a recognizable geometric shape – that is, when supporting panels are stacked vertically, their overall height should not exceed the height of the main panel, and similarly for width when stacked horizontally. Wide spacing between panel clusters, and tight spacing within clusters, helps to distinguish intended groupings.
Finally, because English is read from left to right and top to bottom, figures in English manuscripts should also be designed with this reading direction in mind. This is especially important for panel clusters: if panels D and E provide supporting evidence for panel C, they should be placed next to each other, rather than on different lines on opposite sides of the figure.
Fix minor inconsistencies and errors
Humans are good at identifying and fixing things that shouldn’t be there. For example, if there’s a typographical error in text, people notice it. The same principle applies to scientific figures, but here, in addition to typos in text labels, scientists have to deal with potential inconsistencies in font size, bar width/line thickness, misaligned axes/borders/panels, scale inconsistencies, and many more. In the best case scenario, these inconsistencies are distracting to the reader. In the worst case scenario, they can make the message harder to understand.
This process may seem like a small thing, but taking the time to ensure consistency within and across figures can be the difference between a manuscript that is read and one that is skimmed over or ignored. This means making sure font sizes are consistent throughout your manuscript, labeling methods are identical across figures, and that an experimental group that is assigned red in Figure 1 is not blue in Figure 2. You only have one chance to make a first impression, so it’s best to avoid that first impression being, “These panels are not positioned correctly.”
Use text on diagrams to aid comprehension
Figures are an opportunity for scientists to present information that is difficult to process in text. But that doesn’t mean text isn’t an important part of a scientific figure. In addition to labels that define experimental groups, short annotations can highlight important comparisons or findings within a large data set. Annotations are particularly useful for more comprehensive visualization techniques, such as heat maps and scatter plots, or for pointing out specific areas of interest in photographs. Placing these notes directly within a figure not only eliminates the need for readers to switch between the graphic and the text, but also simplifies the legend. That said, although annotations are primarily text-based, researchers should treat them as graphic elements and apply the same standards of placement, consistency, and readability to them as to graphs and images.
Use powerful tools
Like any part of a manuscript, figures are there to communicate and clarify a scientific message. Similarly, cluttered figures can confuse the audience and disorient the story. Polished, professional figures provide a logical and aesthetic breakdown of complex information and are an excellent way to engage the audience in the research. Humans may be good at obsessing over what stands out, but this can work for both good and bad. Scientists need to be careful that their figures stand out for the right reasons.
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