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For modern technology, horror movie creators who had to deal with the use of mobile phones were stuck, and I created one of the most annoying and most annoying movies I have ever encountered. If you have 911 or Spotify’s “Deep Focus” playlist on the work GPS, speed dial, consider how many protagonists can escape. Catch hidden in the closet. This relatively new horror movie trope is to use a mobile phone or if a filmmaker ignores an elephant, there is no dispute, so some form, shape, or shape, or to impair storytelling. Grow an ugly head in shape. room.
Discard the mobile phone

After seeing meeting and Mouse trapI noticed the pattern of a modern horror movie that I can no longer ignore. This is the will to give them a character that recognizes the existence of a mobile phone, as it could be defenseless when things began to get hot.
Both movies have the same replacement to deal with the horror movie mobile phone trope, but they are very different.
meetingIt is set in a work -related team building resite in the countryside, and this problem will be treated slightly elegantly. Before the raft building and zip lining, the group leader encourages all participants to put their mobile phones in a safe box. I’m on such a stupid job, and no one wants to drop my iPhone to the lake and pay for a change, so I want to pause some distrust. I am.
The trope is completely processed Mouse trap In a method that makes me feel me as a viewer, in order for the character to deal with the trope of the mobile phone to keep moving the shoe hole quickly and keep moving things, “Hey, we are clearly slasher fiction. It feels as if you live in, so let’s put all your mobile phones in your bag and lock them so that they can not be completely accessed before we can get it. Killed。 ”
Both movies above are classified as horror comedy genres and should not be taken very seriously, but they use the same mobile phone trope with very different consequences. The former exchange is believed, but the latter feels like a police that escapes from the movie.
It’s your fault that you have died, you’re stupid!

One of the most satisfying (and scary) fears I’ve ever seen is one of the deaths of fear BackcountryWhen Alex (Jeff Roop) is the most ridiculous method as possible, when processing a mobile phone trope. His girlfriend, Jen (Missy Pereglim), hikes in a deep wilderness, plans to propose to her after finding her favorite childhood lake, and answers to work -related queries. I’m worried that it takes too long. Slide her mobile phone and put it in a parked car, and then jump into a legitimate danger that the bear attack should not be neglected. Note spoilers, Alex is not an outdoor man who thinks he is, but he tears his face.
Backcountry We handle the horror movie’s mobile phone trope in a way that can be believed, but since all the terrible things that occur in the couple in the forest are Alex, “She is not going to marry you now!” I shouted. Second, he realized that if Alex would not throw away his mobile phone, they would not be dangerous.
Alex had good intentions and wanted to spend a perfect romantic vacation with his girlfriend, but he eventually torn and torn, and a girlfriend without a mobile phone did not help. I got lost in the forest. If Jen brought her mobile phone with her and said, “Hey, we don’t have a bar,” I don’t need to think that Alex’s death is the result of being caught in his own petad.
Learn the enemy heavy

Straight edge kega The house invader used a signal attack, and had the right idea to confuse everyone’s mobile phone service in the radius, which was convinced that no one could escape. All characters in the house party with a mobile phone come across the same problem at the same time, and Blood (Cory Kays) confirms through simple dialogue that the attacker has packed the signal. The horror movie mobile phone trapes start with Bloodbath, Bing, Bang, Boom, and many people die without dying.
FEAR, Inc。 In addition, we do the best job to incorporate the use of mobile phones into the horror plot, but we do not integrate technology to integrate technology to strengthen suspense. After hiring a named company that turned his life as a slasher nightmare (for fun), Joe called 911 on his mobile phone. Let the people who are trying to kill him.
Classic and era pieces do not need to deal with this

One of the reasons for the horror movies set in the early 90s is that a mobile phone trope is not a problem. When the landline was still ubiquitous, the murderer needed electricity, but there was no boom or phone call. It was very seamless, so you didn’t even need to think about it.
Is there a serial murderer or a murderer for a loose person? Well, they are going to talk through socks on the socks and make a vigorous AC phone from Payphone. If they move well, there is no way for the authorities to track them. Can you imagine that there was a direct way to contact Dr. Samuel James Loumiths by Jamie Lee Curtis’ Ralei Stroad? (Donald’s joy) Halloween? The movie will end before it starts.
Fortunately, the ES of horror movies mobile phones was not an unfortunate need at the time.
That’s right … I’m out of power, and my mom and dad are not at home, so the murderer of the mask has passed through all the rooms in your house. Not a mobile phone. Only those who live at that moment.