You may already know that being active helps Your brain grows and changesBut exercise isn’t the only thing that can boost your brain power: You also need foods that can help you focus.
Also, many foods Aids mental performanceSo if you’re having trouble concentrating throughout the day, your diet may be contributing to the problem.
Does your diet really affect your focus and productivity?
Diet and the brain are closely related. By adding healthy foods to your meals and snacks, Improve your focus And it helps you maintain your alertness. Of course, this doesn’t mean you can just eat whatever you want. The specific foods you choose are important.
Erin Palinski-Wade, R.D., Ph.D., a scientific advisor for MyFitnessPal, suggests choosing meals that contain both high-fiber, slow-digesting carbohydrates and lean protein—examples include chicken breast and broccoli, or black beans and brown rice.
12 Foods That Improve Your Focus
Lean proteins, healthy fats, leafy greens, vegetables, fruits and nuts are all Foods that are good for your brain.
We asked Palinski-Wade to recommend 12 foods that are said to help keep you mentally sharp and improve your focus.
1. Eggs
Your body needs fuel after a night’s rest, and recent studies have shown that consuming high-quality protein in the morning can: Increased energy and focusEggs are a great high-protein breakfast. Contains all 9 essential amino acids What your brain and body need.
“Eggs have Colin” ” Palinski Wade said. Playing a role It helps regulate memory, mood, and other cognitive functions.”
2. Chicken
Chicken is another food that contains nutrients that are good for your brain. All 9 Essential Amino AcidsChicken breasts are a lean protein and one of the best sources of this important nutrient. Vitamin B, zincand selenium, All known To support cognitive abilities.
If you’re looking to incorporate more chicken into your diet, try some of these nutritionist-approved recipe suggestions.
3. Greek yogurt
Yogurt is rich in B vitamins and may reduce inflammation and prevent cognitive impairment, according to a new study. Preliminary investigation. Another study A link has been found between regularly eating low-fat yogurt and improved memory in men.
Yogurt too Contains probioticsThese are microorganisms that live in the stomach and are also known as healthy bacteria. Promotes gut health. Multiple studies Fermented foods have also been shown to affect cognitive function.
4. Salmon
If you want to boost your brain power, consider visiting the seafood section next time you’re at the grocery store.
“Salmon is an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the brain and heart. Playing a role “It improves memory, focus and overall cognitive function,” Palinski Wade says.
Thanks to these acids, fatty fish like salmon Increases blood flow In the brain.
Check out these healthy salmon recipes for ideas on how to incorporate more of this superfood into your diet.
5. Almonds
What could be better than a delicious, plant-based, protein-packed snack that requires absolutely no prep and pairs well with everything else?
Almonds can help you concentration This is because it contains no energy-depleting sugar and is rich in protein.
Also, Antioxidants, dietary fiber, healthy fats, Balances blood sugar levels.
6. Lentils
This plant protein is rich in complex carbohydrates, which are slowly broken down and converted into fuel. Stable supply It delivers glucose to the brain. The fiber in lentils also Regulating blood sugar levelsYou can avoid energy shortages.
Lentils can often be overlooked if you don’t know how to cook with them or use them, and if that’s you, we’re here to help.
Check out these nutritionist-approved lentil recipes:
7. Quinoa
Quinoa Quinoa is a whole grain and an often-overlooked brain food. Like lentils, quinoa is rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates.
This combination of nutrients Maintaining stable energy levels and Mental concentration “All day,” Palinski Wade said.
The best thing about cooking with quinoa is its versatility: adding it to chili, tabouli, soups, salads, and more will boost your nutrition and brain function.

8. Pistachios
New research This suggests that including pistachios in your diet may have several potential benefits for brain health, including improved cognitive function and reduced anxiety.
Researchers believe that the beneficial flavonoids and fat-soluble antioxidants in pistachios may contribute to improved cognitive performance.
Pistachios also help Maintaining blood sugar levels Maintains balance and prevents blood sugar from dropping too quickly Get out of the concentration zone.
Research has shown that these nuts Plays a role in lowering blood pressureA research team from Johns Hopkins University has Cognitive decline.
Pack a handful in a Ziploc bag for a tasty snack and help maintain your health.
9. Cottage cheese
You may have noticed cottage cheese It has been revived among health-conscious people, There is a good reason.
“Some brands Vitamin D fortificationNutrients Produces acetylcholineKey Neurotransmitters Regulating memory, mood, and other cognitive functions.”
Cottage cheese is also rich in protein Research suggests Getting enough protein in your diet may play an important role in maintaining mental clarity and focus as you age.
10. Edamame
If you’re looking for a smart food option, try soy. 2020 Survey Soy isoflavones are Edamame– May improve memory and overall brain function.
Oh, and steamed edamame beans are also delicious – sprinkle on a pinch of salt for extra flavor and add them to your snacks for a delicious treat.
11. Spirulina
In Spirulina Multiple benefitsIt has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Preliminary animal studiesIt has been shown to enhance learning and memory while preventing cognitive decline.
This nutritious plant often comes in powder form, so adding a pinch to your morning smoothie or latte is an easy way to boost your brain.
12. Coffee
There’s a reason why people drink coffee during breaks from work or study. “Caffeine is beneficial in small amounts, Increase your attention span” Palinski Wade said.
Remember, when it comes to coffee, more isn’t better. The FDA says: 400 mg or less To avoid unwanted side effects, limit your caffeine intake to no more than 100 milliliters (3-4 8-ounce cups of coffee) per day. If you exceed that amount, drink decaffeinated coffee.
What foods are bad for concentration?
One of The biggest culpritSugar. Sugar can give you a temporary energy boost, but it can also make it harder to focus.
“Excess sugar in fact Adversely affects learning and memory” Palinski Wade warns.
Here are some things to avoid in order to improve your focus:
- Sweet treats and drinks: Candy, cookies, pastries, soda, and energy drinks Increased blood sugar levels A sudden crash followed.
- Refined carbohydrates: White bread, pasta, cereals quickly broken down into sugar Once you eat it, Affects cognition.
- Ultra-processed foods: The unhealthy fats, sugars and additives in fast food, packaged snacks and ready-made meals can lead to sluggishness (brain fog) and Cognitive decline.
- Saturated fats: Some researchers say that consuming even one meal high in saturated fat can impair your ability to think and concentrate. Ohio State University Study.
Fasting vs. Eating: Which is better for improving focus?
Fitness enthusiasts debate whether exercise should be done in a “fasted” state (such as in the morning before breakfast) or in a “fed” state (after a meal), but when it comes to mental training, like studying for an exam or preparing for a presentation at work, there’s no debate.
“When it comes to learning, memory, and productivity, a full stomach is highly recommended,” says Palinski-Wade. Your brain needs fuel to perform optimallyA steady source of energy to keep blood sugar balanced Key Mental clarity, thinking ability, memory, all of these can impact your productivity.”
So next time you need to focus, try to eat a healthy meal first as part of a nutritious diet.
The role of meal timing: Does it affect concentration?
According to a study When eating When it comes to focus, what you eat is just as important as what you eat.
“In the morning, the brain Hydration and glucose “Your brain needs to function at its best, and eating a balanced breakfast provides your brain with a steady supply of glucose, giving you sustained energy and focus,” says Palinski Wade.
The timing of dinner is also important. 3 hours before bedtime “Getting good quality sleep is crucial for staying focused and productive the next day,” she adds.
When it comes to mental performance, the importance of a nutritious breakfast should not be underestimated.
Fun fact: MyFitnessPal Premium We provide members with the ability to track meal timings with our meal timestamp feature. This feature allows: when What they eat can affect their energy, movement, and more. learn more or Free 30-day premium trial
To snack or not to snack: which helps you focus better?
When you’re getting ready to use your brain or are in the middle of a difficult task and your concentration starts to wane, it’s tempting to reach for an energy snack, and Palinski-Wade says that taking a bite can help.
“The right snack is Focus and Productivity. It can be prevented Lowering blood sugar levels,it is Difficulty concentrating.”
However, snacks should be balanced to promote slow-digesting energy and keep you alert and focused.
Instead of sugary vending machine snacks like candy bars, Palinski-Wade suggests munching on a handful of almonds and a small piece of fruit.
Conclusion: The right food can improve your focus
Just as your body needs food to fuel you, your brain needs food to boost memory, creativity, problem-solving, and focus.
For brain-healthy food, Experts recommend With a little planning, you can incorporate these “brain foods” and their benefits into your diet: fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, oily fish, nuts, legumes, and whole grains.
And apps like My Fitness Pal can help.
Whether you stick to counting macros or not; Receive weekly reports You can also get to know your habits and incorporate foods into your diet that will help you improve your focus. Customize your nutritional goals and Create your own recipe Create a customized diet to improve your focus.
Regardless of how you plan and manage your diet, one thing is clear: what you eat matters. Strategically adding focus and brain-healthy foods to your diet can go a long way in keeping you mentally sharp and quick for years to come.